Students Receive Inspiring Workshop from Local Professional Photographer, Jeremy Webb
On Wednesday 4th October, Year 10 students at Hewett Academy had an incredibly inspiring workshop with local professional photographer, Jeremy Webb.
The students produced a series of experimental portraits which focused on lighting using different techniques including natural, studio, colour, and directional. Throughout the workshop, the students exuded confidence, independence, and a willingness to play with the materials provided. The results have inspired the students to continue to experiment with light and portrait photography in the future.
Jeremy Webb said:
"The students created some stunning portrait work, using found light, available light, soft light, hard light, coloured light, top light, side light - using light boxes, soft boxes (continuous lighting), slide projectors, overhead projectors, and occasional props linked to their ongoing project work. Absolutely brilliant! Thanks for inviting me Hewett Academy!"
Principal of Hewett Academy, Antony Little said:
“Hewett Academy is well known for the quality of its art education and part of that is ensuring students have access to the very best local practising artists. Meeting Jeremy has both improved their photographic skills and, perhaps more importantly, inspired our students to see where their qualifications can take them in life. Jeremy is a real role model for Hewett students, and we are so grateful for his time.”
Follow @HewettArt on Instagram to watch the reel and keep up to date with the secondary school’s art department.