Behaviour & Rewards

Good order is essential in a school if children are to be able to fulfil their learning potential. We are focusing on some key areas which set the frame for this to be part of our collective culture. 


Our focus are:

  • Attendance & punctuality to school and lessons

  • Students being fully equipped and in full uniform

  • Ensuring good order in classrooms

  • Mobile phones should not be seen or heard at all. They will be confiscated if seen or heard.


Detentions will be given in the following circumstances: 

  • A C3 removal from lesson

  • Truancy (defined as being more than 5 minutes late to class)

  • Mobile phone confiscation

  • Being late to school without a good reason

  • A serious out of class incident.


Staff use the system of C1 (warning), C2 (penalty point), C3 (removed from classroom) and should be explicit about this with the student and what they need to do to correct their behaviour.


The reward policy is an important part of our school life:

  • Daily: students will be rewarded with verbal praise and/or by the awarding of House Points, which are linked to one of the 3 school values (Respect, Aspiration and Dedication). House points are available for reading in class and homework too.  Students will be able to exchange their House points for rewards and at certain milestones, they will receive House point stars. 100 = bronze star, 200 = silver star & 300 = gold star. Golden tickets are issued for exceptional work and can be exchanged at our “rewards vending machine”!

  • Half-Termly: we will have termly celebration assemblies during which merit prizes, subject badges and school values prizes will be awarded

  • Annually: students will be encouraged to collect postcards from each of the department areas - there are lots to collect! There is also the Principal’s Postcard too which can only be achieved with the most outstanding of actions. If a student collects them all, they will have access to Hewett’s most golden reward!



We are working hard this year to develop a culture of appreciation amongst all students and staff. In the third week of each half term, students will write a short note of thanks to a member of staff (teaching or support) to express their gratitude for something they have done for them. In return, teachers write postcards to students.


Please read our behaviour policy here