Careers Programme

We want to ensure that every student at Hewett Academy leaves us with the skills and knowledge to make informed and ambitious decisions about their future.

We want every student to set their sights on high aspirations for the future and we endeavour to support them every step of the way, providing impartial advice and helping to facilitate opportunities for students to follow their passions.

As part of our Careers and Aspirations Programme we offer our students workshops, guest speakers from universities and professionals, work experience, CV writing sessions, and one-on-one guidance with a careers advisor. We also work closely with the county's most prestigious sixth forms, including Jane Austen College and Sir Isaac Newton Sixth Form to facilitate taster days for our Year 11 students.

For more information, read our Provider Access Statement here


Contact our Careers Lead, Faye Middleton:

01603 531564


Contact our Careers Coordinator, Jane Emerson:

01603 531564


Contact our Careers Facilitator, S.Whiddett:

The LMI for All portal below provides high-quality, reliable labour market information (LMI) to inform careers decisions. 



We want to ensure that every student at Hewett Academy leaves us with the skills and knowledge to make informed and ambitious decisions about their future. We want every student to set their sights on a future and we will support them every step of the way. 

The aims of our Careers & Aspirations programme at Hewett Academy are:

  • To support students in developing an understanding of their interests, skills, likes and dislikes and how this affects choices about their education and future career choices
  • To ensure students understand the connection between their education and their future career
  • To provide students with exposure to the university experience and to develop students’ knowledge of university study and life
  • To provide students with a wealth of information about the different pathways available to them when they finish Year 11
  • To help students be able to complete high-quality applications for post-16 education, jobs, training and apprenticeships
  • To support students in understanding how to be successful in a professional environment


All provisions listed below intend to be implemented during the 2023/24 academic year.

Year 7

  • Workshop on debunking career stereotypes
  • Targeted Aspirations Intervention
  • Support from University of East Anglia at Parents’ Evenings
  • Guest speakers from industry
  • Access to university events and workshops
  • Access to a range of careers resources in our Careers Hub

Year 8

  • Workshop on debunking career stereotypes
  • Targeted Aspirations Intervention

Year 9

  • Norfolk Careers & Skills Festival
  • Options Interviews

Year 10

  • Mock Interviews
  • CV Writing and Application Support
  • Work Experience Placement
  • Professionalism Workshops

Year 11

  • Post-16 Interview
  • Post-16 Options Events
  • 1:1 support and guidance
  • Sixth Form Taster Sessions


Message to employers

​We are reliant upon the support and co-operation of local employers to further the aspirations of our students. Throughout the year we hold a range of events designed to broaden our students’ knowledge of their opportunities and raise their aspirations. We welcome any support you can offer us in doing this. This could involve offering to speak to our students about your organisation or sector, offering work experience placements or allowing students to visit your organisation to experience a workplace setting.

Research from the Education and Employers Taskforce shows that a young person who has four or more meaningful encounters with an employer is 86% less likely to be unemployed or not in education or training and can earn up to 18% more during their career. We thank you in advance for your support in ensuring our students have these opportunities.

Monitoring and Feedback

The impact of our careers programme is monitored termly through the Compass evaluation system, which captures to what extent we are achieving The Gatsby Benchmarks. This programme enables us to identify gaps in provision and improve the programme that we offer our pupils.  We receive support and guidance from the Norfolk and Suffolk Careers Hub to develop strategies to fill any gaps identified in the Compass evaluation system, and continuously improve. 

We seek regular feedback from those involved in our careers programme, including students, parents, staff and employers/education providers. If you would like to offer us feedback on any element of our careers programme, please contact our Careers Coordinator, Jane Emerson on


In 2024, 98% of our Year 11 students went on to education, employment or training. Of our Year 11 students 95% continued in full-time education. 

30% of the year opted for school sixth forms, including City of Norwich School, Sir Isaac Newton Sixth Form and Thorpe St Andrew Sixth Form. 60% chose further education institutions such as City College Norwich and Easton College. 

Hewett Academy has a higher percentage of students remaining in full-time education than the Norfolk average, and a lower percentage of students whose destinations are Not in Education, Employment or Training (NEET).

Useful links


Useful Links 

Exploring Careers and Sectors

  • Explore different sectors and roles to find your dream role.

  • Use the icould buzz quiz as a place to start if you are undecided.

Post-16 Options

  • Explore the different options available after year 11.

  • Use ‘Help You Choose’ to see all choices in Norfolk.


  • Explore and learn about various apprenticeships in our local area.

Higher Education/


  • Find out what university courses have to offer and how you get there. 

Additional Employment Support 

  • Support with CVs.

  • Explore individual sectors and the roles within them.


How to get involved

If you are a student or staff member

Visit Siobhan Whiddett in the Careers Office in the library to find out more or email 

If you are a parent

If you would like to offer support for our programme or speak about your child’s pathways or aspirations, please email or call 01603 531564 to book an appointment

If you are an employer

If you would like to work with us to further the aspirations of our students, please email or call 01603 531564.

Our facilities

Our school site has ample internal and external space to host careers and aspirations events or workshops. In addition to AV facilities we also have performance spaces, science labs and art spaces along with our library. Any of these facilities can be used to support employer visits or events.