Hewett Academy & BBC Radio Norfolk team up to help young people get active
As children go back to school - local BBC radio stations across England are asking for sports kit and equipment donations to help them to get fit and active. The aim is to give children access to kit that they may not otherwise be able to afford or get hold of.
Recent research has found that thousands of children are not getting the recommended 60 minutes of daily activity a day. In July a DCMS select committee report- with data from Sport England, said 100,000, fewer children met the recommended level of activity in 2020 than in 2019. The situation has been compounded by the pandemic, access to facilities and people not being able to afford the kit.
On Saturday 4th September BBC Radio’s “Make a Difference”, launched ‘Kit Out The Nation’ to help to improve the situation across the UK. “Kit Out the Nation” will run until October and be broadcast on all 39 local BBC radio stations and in Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland.
The BBC is working with a host of partners around the country and the aim of the campaign is to take in and distribute unwanted, good-condition sports kit and distribute it to children and teenagers who need it most.
Chris Burns, Head of Audio and Digital for BBC England said ‘Make a Difference’ has been a phenomenal success during lockdown and I am proud that all 39 local BBC radio stations will be involved in helping young people get access to sports kit and equipment they need to get fit and stay healthy through ‘Kit Out he Nation’.”
The ‘Make a Difference’ campaign is calling on audiences to donate spare kit and equipment, as well as calling on companies and charities willing to offer their premises for donations, collections and distribution of the clean kit.
Any organisation or individual who wishes to make a donation can bring the kit to the reception at Hewett Academy between 9am-4pm during term time; alternatively if you would like to receive any kit let us know and we will let you know what has been donated.
Executive Principal Antony Little & Head of School Lucy Austin said: “Hewett Academy is well known for its exceptional sporting facilities and we have made getting fit and keeping active one of our themes as we return from lockdown. We are so pleased to team up with BBC Radio Norfolk to do more to help our students and the local community to get the kit they need.”
“In school we have a new 26 station outdoor gym, a newly refurbished weights room and some of the best sporting facilities in Norfolk. Now let’s put them to great use!”